Monday, 9 September 2013

Sunday, 7 July 2013

What sound does Nonno make?

If you know Lily's Nonno, you know he's very passionate about Moose.  And now Lily is too!!

Smiles make my day

Smiles make my day!

For mommy?

Where does you shoe go?

Morning sunshine

Lily does night-night

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Happy Birthday Lily!!

Lily and Mommy snuggling on her first birthday.


Cake Smashing!


The first half of 2013

Who gave Lily this jacket?  You get one guess!

Lily and her boyfriend Oscar are still together.  They have several play dates a week (while their mom's are on mat leave) including their first romp on the baby swings.

Yogurt paint fun!

A potted Lily

Where's Lily?  Peek-a-boo, I see you!

I know you're partial to your own kid, but wow! is she ever gorgeous!!!

Getting her to keep them on her face is a mighty challenge.

Hello, ceiling fan!

What a little fat face!!  Again!!

I adore this wonder-filled face.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Gone South

We took a little big (Jay, MC and Lily, Mom and Dad Celenza and Mom and Dad Smith) family vacation to Jamaica this year.  For once in my life I was able to travel without paying hefty prime time fees.  Go mat leave! 

Baby's first plane ride.  It went surprisingly well.

BTW...this is how they drive with their children in Jamaica.  For once, Lily was all smiles in the car.  So maybe they're onto something?

The Cannon Cottage back yard (plus Peanut's favourite new piggy toy)

Naked beach baby!!